Count the Omer Beginning April 23

Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu Melekh ha’Olam asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav v’tizivanu al sefirat ha’omer.

Blessed are you, Adonai our God, Sovereign of the Universe, who has sanctified us with your commandments and commanded us to count the omer.

Welcome to B’nai Israel

B‘nai Israel Synagogue in Grand Forks, North Dakota is a small but vibrant congregation that provides lifelong opportunities for spiritual growth and learning based on modern Jewish values.

Our members represent a variety of Jewish traditions and backgrounds, and come from Grand Forks, the Grand Forks Air Base, the University of North Dakota and surrounding communities.

Members of every Jewish denomination are welcome to attend our services, as are non-Jewish visitors. Please introduce yourself so we can answer any questions you may have. If you’d like to arrange a group visit, please contact us in advance at .

We are located at 601 Cottonwood St in Grand Forks, ND. (MAP)
Please see the Contact page for our mailing address.


Services and classes are held during the student rabbi’s monthly visits during the school year. The specific schedule is sent to newsletter subscribers. 

You can subscribe with the button below, or email us for more information.

Keep in touch with the Newsletter and social media.

Help Restore Or Social Hall

Our social hall and kitchen sustained extensive water and mold damage. Click the button to see how you can help restore our historic building.

Helping by Hosting

There are many volunteer opportunities to help at B’nai Israel. Three of these are to host the student rabbi for Shabbat dinner, to provide the Oneg after Shabbat service, or to offer transportation support.

Shabbat dinner can be in your home or at a local restaurant. The host is expected to pick up the student’s tab, but other guests you invite will pay their own.

The Oneg need not be elaborate. A challah and other light refreshments (fruit, cookies,etc) will be appreciated.

Transportation support could be loaning a car for the student’s use during visit, driving from and to the airport, etc.

Please visit the Hosting Sign-up page if you can help.

Passover begins at sunset, April 22

From Slavery to Freedom: Your Passover Crash Course

Discover the rich history of Passover, a holiday celebrating freedom. Learn about traditional Passover foods, the significance of the number four, and other Passover customs.

From the Union For Reform Judaism / Reform Movement

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Melding Tradition and Innovation: Our Interfaith Toddler Naming Ceremony

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